When is the right time to ask for help with addiction?

There’s a real stigma against people who are struggling with addiction. Unfortunately, this stigma often serves to make people feel deep shame about their struggles– and the shame prevents them from reaching out, even when they’ve fully recognized that they have a...

How to Avoid Substance Abuse

People who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction didn’t intend to become addicted. The dangers of addictive substances are explained to students, starting as young as elementary school; kids are well aware that drugs can hurt them and get them into trouble...

Ways Substance Abuse is Affecting Your Life

Gaining the ability to be totally honest with yourself is an important part of recovery. You probably recognize on some level that your substance abuse is negatively affecting you, but you might be surprised by the effects it’s having on virtually every aspect of your...

How to Quit Substance Abuse

Being trapped in a cycle of substance abuse and addiction can feel hopeless. If you’re currently struggling with substance abuse, you might not be able to see a way out– and those feelings of helplessness might just make your desire to use stronger. The good news is...

How to cope with change in your life

Change is a part of life that’s inevitable for everyone. No matter how hard you resist it, fear it, or try to avoid it, things are going to change– it’s just how things work. Even if you understand this on an intellectual level, you might still struggle with accepting...

Where can I find support?

If you’re currently struggling with addiction, you’re probably familiar with the feelings of isolation that can accompany that struggle. Addiction is a highly stigmatized topic, and for many people, there are a lot of feelings of guilt and shame that surround their...